In the Gospel of John 2:1-11, we read about the first miracle that Jesus performed at a wedding in Cana. Jesus attended a wedding in Cana in Galilee along with His disciples, and His Mother. During the course of the wedding feast, we read that they ran out of wine. Mother Mary approached Jesus asking him to help. When Jesus was ready to reveal God’s glory he told the servants to fill 6 stone jars that were used for ceremonial washing with water. Then he told them to serve it to the master of the feast. We see that Jesus transformed the water used for washing into the best wine. Jesus manifested his glory by performing this miracle.
In our church, the Sunday school students present Jesus's miracles, one every Sunday during the lent season. Usually kids, Grade 1 and above do the reading about the miracle and kids younger than that do nothing. In February 2018, when I was a Sunday School teacher, I got permission from the Sunday school principal and organized a skit by the Kindergarten and Pre-K kids about the first miracle for the Lent Presentation. I made jars using card board as props for the skit.

My son Ethan (brown dress) and his friends doing the 'Wedding at Cana' skit for lent presentation

Jars prop I made using cardboard for the skit
Below is an excerpt of my friend, Jubie's message after I shared the news of my diagnosis to all my close friends.
Dearest Jeshakutty, thinking of you and sending lots of love and prayers dear😘
When Shilo told me I was reminded of your wonderful speech that you gave to MMVS. I remember you telling us ,for the wedding in Cana , if the servants were not willing to fill the barrel , then Jesus couldn’t have done his first miracle of turning simple water to glorified wine.
Then I saw you at church, making that beautiful barrel for kids.
I was amazed to hear your speech about the barrel, then to see you making that beautiful barrel.
Now our Lord has chosen you as “The Barrel “ for performing His work.
I have already started thanking Him because I believe you are THE CHOSEN ONE by the Lord to magnify His glory🙏 and everything is going to go very well.
Interestingly, I has also spoken about this miracle in a speech in 2014 during one of women's leadership classes (Dhivyabhodhanam) in our church.
I was really amazed when I received the above message because I never thought about it before or connected any of these. When I got Jubie's message it kinda felt as though God was telling me that I am that vessel through which HE needs to be glorified. This was like one of the first signs I received.

Paul on the island of Malta

When I was initially diagnoised, during one of those anxious phases of "Will I survive?" I happened to hear a pastor’s sermon about "Paul's shipwreck and the snake bite on the island of Malta". The pastor explained the story as written in Acts 27-28 about journey of St Paul's to Rome as a prisoner. Paul and the other prisoners were shipwrecked on an island called Malta. The local people showed kindness to the shipwrecked crew, providing them with a fire and hospitality.

While Paul was gathering wood, a viper came out and fastened on to his hand. The immediate reaction of the local people was that Paul was a murderer and justice is coming to find him. However, Paul shook the viper off of his hand into the fire and suffered no harm. The locals expected Paul to have his hand swell up or to be killed by the snake bite, obviously showing that this viper was poisonous. Seeing that nothing happened to Paul, the local people changed their minds and believed that Paul was a god. While on the island, the father of one of the leading men on the island suffered from fever and dysentery. After praying and laying his hands upon him, the man was healed and many others on the island with illnesses came to Paul and were healed.
In the sermon, the pastor explained that Paul wasn't worried when the poisonous snake fastened on his hand. He was so cool that that he just shook it off because Paul knew that he was not going to die because in Acts 27:23-26, we can read that an angel appeared to Paul and said that he was going to Rome to stand trial before Caesar.
23 Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me 24 and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’ 25 So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me. 26 Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island.”
So when I heard this message it was kind of like God telling me that I'm not going to die soon because if I had to die there were numerous occasions on which I could have died but I survived starting from birth. From what I heard from my parents I was born with umbilical chord around my neck and was miraculously saved by the doctor.
So this is exactly why I was not sad and I had the strength to face all my treatments. Every time I wondered if I will survive, God would remind me these stories to remind myself that I will not die soon. There you go, many people have told me that "Jesha, you are so strong". This is the secret of my strength.