Growing in wisdom of God
Today I want us to reflect on the first miracle that Jesus performed. In the Gospel of John Chapter 2 verses 1-11, we read that Jesus attended a wedding in Cana in Galilee along with His disciples, and His Mother.
During the course of the wedding feast, we read that they ran out of wine. Mother Mary approached Jesus asking him to help. When Jesus was ready to reveal God’s glory he told the servants to fill 6 stone jars that were used for ceremonial washing with water.
When the command to fill the jars with water came from Jesus, who was not even their master, they could have complained, saying, “Don’t you see that we are busy?” Besides, what good was it to fill the jars with water when the problem was lack of wine?
If you had been one of the servants how would you have felt about Jesus? Honestly I would have thought he was foolish. Probably it would have made more sense if Jesus would have said go buy some wine or to get the wine from somewhere.
But they haven't argued or countered instead they OBEYED his WORD and filled the jars to the brim.
Then he told them to serve it to the master of the feast. This was even harder for them to obey.
Scientifically if you see it takes months to make wine and water is only one of the ingredients. The servants could have refused to do it since it did not make sense to serve the water used for washing.
But again they did not question him. They simply obeyed his words.
Here you can see that when the servants obeyed word of God you can see that a miracle happened. Jesus transformed the water used for washing into the best wine.
The whole bible is full of words and promises. When we take it, accept it as it is, without any elements of doubts and fill our empty mind with the Word of God Jesus will transform our life.
When we set our heart on obeying Word of God, He will teach us how to apply His Word in our life.
I would like to share something that recently happened. Few weeks ago when I was signing up for Dhivyabhodham classes Shantha Aunty told me that I need to give a speech I thought she was joking. Two weeks later when she asked me if I am ready with my speech is when I realized that she was serious about it. I was scared and was thinking of opting out because I have never given such a talk. Then I remembered the the story of Moses - how Moses argues with God when God asks him to speak to pharaoh and the elders of Israel. We read in Exodus chapters 3 and 4 how Moses tried giving excuses such as “I am weak in speech” even after God showed him many signs and promised to be with him.
Exodus 4 -11 says: The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? 12 Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”
I felt I was in a similar situation where I was trying to find excuses to opt out.
Book of Isiah 30 verse 21 says Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
There may be so many situations/opportunities in life we miss because we are fearful and give excuses. We can overcome such situation if we believe in the Word of God.
We need to empty ourselves, take the Word, believe the word and use it we will see the power of God working within us like - the water turning into wine.
As we prepare for our classes let us take a moment to pray in our hearts. Lord, I am empty vessel, fill me with your word, transform me and use me for your Glory.
- Written in 2014