- Mathew 17:20

I have a story to tell about God's goodness in every phase in my life. I was able to experience HIS power in my some of my lowest moments. All of those times God blessed me abundantly more than I can imagine. I wrote my testimonies to share my experiences with friends. Sharing those testimonies that I had written back then.

PEROT Testimony
This is a testimony about how I got my first job in US. This was my first company and only company I worked in US. This company was bought over by Dell Services and then NTTDATA. I worked with in this company for 15 years.
Fri, 9 October, 2009 12:33:34 AM
“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” - Jeremiah 29:11
I got married and moved to US in February 2007. I had got H1B visa (work permit) and was allowed to start working from October. I was looking for a job since then. I had a successful job in a highly reputed IT company in India. I thought I would get a job easily in US since I had M.S in Software Systems and also had 5 yrs of working experience. But to my surprise I didn’t get a job. I didn’t understand what was wrong because I thought I did well in my interviews and in India I had never failed an interview. I did everything I could and all my attempts were in vain. I was really upset, depressed and there was lot of unhappiness in the family because of my job. I used to be very upset if anyone asks me about my job. I started feeling I was good for nothing. I had given up all my hopes of getting a job so I stopped looking for a job. Even though, all my past jobs were gifts from God I was depending on my skills and experience than on God.
I found out about Divine Mercy Healing Centre, NJ on the internet. I had been to Divine Retreat Centre in Chalakudy, Kerala about 5 times since my college days and after every visit I have a story to tell how God had blessed me abundantly. I always have found DRCM as a special place where I experience the presence of God. On every visit to DRCM not only have I felt it personally but have seen how thousands of people experience the presence and power of God. My dad always describes it as “heaven on earth” and I really feel it is one. So I was really happy to find Divine Retreat Centre in NJ. On the DMHC web page, I found that there was a retreat on May 11, 2008 from 1pm -5pm. I asked my husband if we could attend it. My husband does not like charismatic retreats or anything like that since he belongs to Indian Orthodox denomination and he is not used to it. But he agreed to take me to NJ for the retreat because I wanted to attend it and he saw how depressed I was.
We started for NJ from Boston in the morning. Our trip to NJ was really bad. When we reached about half way through, our car hit a deer. It almost seemed like the devil didn’t want us to go there. But since it was the plan of God our car was running until we reached the centre in time for the retreat. We almost reached an hour early so we got a chance to pray with Sr. Therese and we asked her to pray for us. She prayed over my head and she said “Don’t worry you will get it before end of year”. All through the retreat I was hoping for a bible verse (a confirming word) or a sign or to feel the power of God but got nothing. Fr. Mathew Naickomparambil told during the retreat that people with back pain should “pray for millions of people with back pain”. When Fr. Mathew told to pray for millions it sounded funny to pray for people you don’t know.
After I came back from the retreat I started praying for millions of people who were unemployed like me. I used to feel and pray for people who didn’t have a job. God gave me the grace to study for a certification I had planned for a very long time. In August, I passed the certification with very good marks. I started looking for job again starting from September. This time I knew that “Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1). I prayed to God saying “My education and my skill will not get me a job. Lord, you show me the place”. I was ready to take up any job. In Oct 2008, a consultant sent me an opening for a senior software engineer position. I wasn’t even hoping to get it since it was a very senior position and I didn’t have enough skills for it but it was an opportunity that I really liked. I got the call for the interview and the interview was only for 10 minutes. I thought I wouldn’t get it since the interview was only for 10 min and I had been attending 3hr long interviews (that’s the trend today). The consultant had told me that I would know the result the next day. The very next day as I was waiting for the result, I was looking at Jesus’ picture in our living room and was telling myself “This is it. I cannot continue in this country like this. I will go back to India if I don’t get this job”. After that I called the consultant to ask about my result and he told me that I got the job.
I started working again in Oct 2008 after 1 year of unemployment. God gave me a job in the peak period of slow down when people around the world were loosing their job. The position that I got was much more than what I can imagine, something that I seek to do and a position in a highly reputed company that I didn’t have the skill or the experience to do. The moment I started depending on God and started praying for people in same situation like me God blessed me abundantly much more than what I can think of. I’m doing really well in my job and God is blessing me everyday. I hold on to this verse “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” - Philippians 4:13
“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” - 1 Peter 4:12-13

IBM Testimony
Wrote this testimony to all my friends because they were asking me how I got into IBM so wanted to tell them that it was not by my merit that I got it.
Dear All, Thursday, July 01, 2004 12:19 PM
Wouldn't it be amazing to witness a miracle of God? I had an experience so thought i would share it with u all.
I was looking for a better job. So i was kind of a anxious and worried and was generally low. On May 17th, I got a call from a consultant saying that my profile is shortlisted for IBM interview on saturday. I was dumb struck when she told me that. Hearing this I told my parents and friends that "I have an interview with IBM but I know I won't get it, anyway I'll attend it coz attending an IBM interview itself is something which I can never think of." Me having studied electronics engineering and with very little background in computers could never think of the big companies.
In my hostel, every Friday we have a group prayer. On Friday, before going for the prayer I called up this consultant to find out the venue where it would be and she said that it was postponed and would let me know about it. Since it was the month of May, many in our prayer group were on vacation and my friend Babi told me that the aunty who comes usually is not coming and one of our prayer group member's friend has come to speak. At first she said she's not coming finally she too came coz I insisted on not missing the prayer.
As I was going for the prayer, I was praying in my mind "Who ever it may be who has come to speak but God u speak to me through her". You won't believe God spoke to me that day through that sister. Every word which she spoke was as though GOD was speaking just for me. She told us this story which I've never heard before that day even though I attend church and read the bible. She told us the story of "Wall of Jericho". In the Old Testament, in Joshua chapter 6, we have an account of the Israelites defeating the city of Jericho when they came into the Promised Land after wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. According to the biblical account, after the Israelites marched around the city once a day for six days, on the seventh day they encircled the city seven times. On the seventh time around, the priests blew the trumpets, the people shouted and the walls fell flat. The city of Jericho was surrounded by a great and mighty wall. The wicked people that lived inside were quite sure that it was impossible to penetrate. As the sister was speaking about the "Wall of Jericho" all I could think about was IBM. God told me through her nothing is impossible for God. IBM is nothing infront of him. Then I knew the interview got postponed coz God wanted to tell me this message that if I put my trust in him he can do things which I can never even think of.
Two weeks later I got call again saying that there would be IBM interview. This time it was not the consultant but who called but it was the HR of IBM. So I was the direct candidate of IBM. It was a Sunday and the HR told me that I can attend the interview anytime between 9.30 to 3.30. On Sunday morning, I went to church and then I went for the interview. This time there was no fear, no panic, no worry coz I knew that if God has kept that place for me it would definitely be for me. I attended the interview, it went for about 1 1/2 hours. Even though I knew God was there, all through the interview I was telling myself "I wont get it, I wont get it". The person who interviewed me told to wait and I was waiting for them to tell me "We will inform you" ( which means you are not selected). To my surprise a senior man called me inside and we had a discussion and asked me to fill up the employer form. God broke the Wall that day.
I was supposed to get my appointment order a week later. But a week later it never came. So I thought probably they changed their mind. Even though I had so much trust and faith in God when something gets delayed we loose hope. We doubt God. But if God has promised something he would definitely give us and so finally I got my appointment order from IBM. I would say it's God's gift for me.
I learned living faith is more than just believing God exists. Living faith is trusting that God loves us so much that He will do what's best for us—even when we don't understand—even when we suffer—even when we don't know how He'll answer a prayer, we still trust Him to do what's best for us.
If he has done a miracle in my life he will do it for you also if we put our trust in him. It's not necessary that we should have wisdom or whatever we think we lack. Just believe that God has everything and if he is there with us we have everything.
With Luv' & prayers,